Step by Step Instructions: How to Set up a TV Wall Mount

Step by Step Instructions: How to Set up a TV Wall Mount

Once you’ve bought your new TV, you have an essential decision to make. Will you place it on a TV stand, or will you mount your TV on the wall? The simpler choice is to put it on a stand, but if you want your room to improve your viewing experience while also saving space, it’s best to mount your TV.

But, the question of the day is, how can I set up a wall mount for my TV? The process is more straightforward than it may seem. All you’ll have to do is follow our TV wall mount instructions, and you can enjoy your new TV in no time!

Find the Ideal Location

First thing’s first, you’ll have to decide where to place your TV. One of the most popular choices is above the fireplace, but this isn’t the smartest choice. Electronics generally don’t handle heat very well, and you can risk damaging your TV every time you light your fireplace. So, avoid this.

If you want to place your TV in the corner of your room, be sure to get a wall mount that’s designed for this location. Standard wall mounts won’t allow you to place your TV in the corner.

Double Check the TV Wall Mount

Most wall mounts follow the VESA standards and can suit almost any brand of TV. However, it’s crucial always to double-check whether the mount matches the TV. Make sure that you’ve gotten the right size. Also, all the holes in the mount and the TV should line up.

Double-check whether you have the correct mount type as well. The main types are:

The different types offer varying degrees of flexibility, so be sure you’ve got the right one.

Use a Stud Finder

If you’re unsure whether your walls can handle the weight of your TV, you’ll have to use a stud finder so that you can drill the holes into wooden support beams behind the wall. Once you’ve located the studs, mark their location with a painters tape.

Place your TV mount against the wall and use a pencil to mark exactly where the screws should go.

Drill the Holes

First, double-check everything. Make sure that you’ve correctly located the studs, check whether you’ve correctly marked where the screws should go, and ensure everything is properly leveled.

Once you’re sure everything is exactly right, drill the holes into the wall. If necessary, you can now install the strap toggles, as well.

Hold the TV Mount and Drill in the Screws

You’ll probably need an extra pair of hands for this part. Hold the TV mount firmly against the wall, and then slowly drill in the screws. Leave them slightly loose at first so that you can make any adjustments if necessary, and then tighten them when you’re ready. Use a leveler to ensure everything is positioned correctly.

Place Your TV onto the Wall Mount

Finally, you’re ready to set up your TV. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to connect the TV to the mount and tighten all the screws. Once again, use your leveler to see is everything is straight.

You can now enjoy your new TV to the fullest! For high-quality TV wall mounts you can trust, shop with Continews today!